All Classes
All Classes Class Summary Enum Summary Annotation Types Summary Class Description GradescopeGrader TheGradescopeGrader
class contains logic to run gradedTestCase
methods.GradescopeListener TheGradescopeListener
class is adapted from theGradedTestListener
class from Tim Kutcher.SetupUtilities TheSetupUtilities
class contains useful tools for setting up test suites.StringUtilities TheStringUtilities
class contains useful tools for testingString
s.TestCase TheTestCase
annotation allows test methods to be used in Gradescope testing.TestCase.Visibility TheTestCase.Visibility
enum defines the test visibility in Gradescope.TestError TheTestError
class contains common methods to represent common test failures.TestSuite TheTestSuite
annotation allows Gradescope to test methods in a given class.WeightCalc TheWeightCalc
class checks that all test cases total to a givenmaxScore