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AFTER_DUE - edu.purdue.cs.barista.TestCase.Visibility
The test case results will be shown after the due date has passed.
AFTER_PUBLISH - edu.purdue.cs.barista.TestCase.Visibility
The test case results will be shown after grades are published.


edu.purdue.cs.barista - package edu.purdue.cs.barista
edu.purdue.cs.barista.util - package edu.purdue.cs.barista.util


fuzzyEquals(String, String) - Static method in class edu.purdue.cs.barista.util.StringUtilities
Tests if two Strings are equal, ignoring all whitespace and capitalization.


getPackageToTest() - Static method in class edu.purdue.cs.barista.util.SetupUtilities
Returns the package to test.
getTestResults() - Method in class edu.purdue.cs.barista.GradescopeListener
Returns the list of test results.
GradescopeGrader - Class in edu.purdue.cs.barista
The GradescopeGrader class contains logic to run graded TestCase methods.
GradescopeListener - Class in edu.purdue.cs.barista
The GradescopeListener class is adapted from the GradedTestListener class from Tim Kutcher.
GradescopeListener(double) - Constructor for class edu.purdue.cs.barista.GradescopeListener
Creates a new GradescopeListener object.


HIDDEN - edu.purdue.cs.barista.TestCase.Visibility
The test case results will never be shown to students.


main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.purdue.cs.barista.util.WeightCalc
Checks that all TestCases in a given package total to a maximum score.


name() - Method in annotation type edu.purdue.cs.barista.TestCase
The name of the test case.
normalizeLineEndings(String) - Static method in class edu.purdue.cs.barista.util.StringUtilities
Normalizes the line endings for a String.
number() - Method in annotation type edu.purdue.cs.barista.TestCase
The number of the test case.


points() - Method in annotation type edu.purdue.cs.barista.TestCase
The amount of points the test case is worth.


removeAllWhitespace(String) - Static method in class edu.purdue.cs.barista.util.StringUtilities
Removes all whitespace from a String.
run(Class<?>[], double) - Static method in class edu.purdue.cs.barista.GradescopeGrader
Runs all of the TestCase methods in the given TestSuite classes.


SetupUtilities - Class in edu.purdue.cs.barista.util
The SetupUtilities class contains useful tools for setting up test suites.
SetupUtilities() - Constructor for class edu.purdue.cs.barista.util.SetupUtilities
StringUtilities - Class in edu.purdue.cs.barista.util
The StringUtilities class contains useful tools for testing Strings.
studentError(Throwable) - Static method in class edu.purdue.cs.barista.TestError
Alerts the grader/student when a test fails due to student error.


TestCase - Annotation Type in edu.purdue.cs.barista
The TestCase annotation allows test methods to be used in Gradescope testing.
TestCase.Visibility - Enum in edu.purdue.cs.barista
The TestCase.Visibility enum defines the test visibility in Gradescope.
TestError - Class in edu.purdue.cs.barista
The TestError class contains common methods to represent common test failures.
testFailure(Failure) - Method in class edu.purdue.cs.barista.GradescopeListener
Called when a JUnit test has failed.
testFinished(Description) - Method in class edu.purdue.cs.barista.GradescopeListener
Called when a JUnit test has finished.
testStarted(Description) - Method in class edu.purdue.cs.barista.GradescopeListener
Called when a JUnit test is about to start.
TestSuite - Annotation Type in edu.purdue.cs.barista
The TestSuite annotation allows Gradescope to test methods in a given class.
toString() - Method in enum edu.purdue.cs.barista.TestCase.Visibility


unexpectedError(String) - Static method in class edu.purdue.cs.barista.TestError
Alerts the grader/student when a test fails unexpectedly.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.purdue.cs.barista.TestCase.Visibility
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum edu.purdue.cs.barista.TestCase.Visibility
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
visibility() - Method in annotation type edu.purdue.cs.barista.TestCase
The visibility level of the test case.
VISIBLE - edu.purdue.cs.barista.TestCase.Visibility
The test case results will always be shown to students.


WeightCalc - Class in edu.purdue.cs.barista.util
The WeightCalc class checks that all test cases total to a given maxScore.
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